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2025 Events & Activities

Antenna Trail Hike
The annual May Days Antenna Trail hike is a must for the outdoor enthusiast: a couple of hours of gorgeous Beaver Valley / Columbia Valley scenery. It’s a moderate hike with some steep sections, but suitable for the family. Take your time to enjoy the views and sign in at the Flag Viewpoint to tell the world you have reached the top! Meet at the trail head in Montrose at 12th Avenue and 4th Street, for an 9:00 am Saturday kick off, or hike on your own time. Don’t forget your camera! For more info on this hike, as well as a map, please visit: or call Art at 250-367-7504.
Movie in the Park
We are excited to bring back Movie in the Park for 2024, We will have one showing on Friday May 24th at approx 8:30pm. Watch for updates and what movie will be playing. Thank you to the Trail Arts Council and the Charles Bailey Theater for your support and sponsorship for this years Movie in the Park

Beaver Races
Squares will be sold by First Beaver Valley Scouting members for $2 each. Each square is numbered and has a matching “Beaver Block”. The blocks will be floated down Beaver Creek on Sunday May 26th 2024 at 2 pm. Whatever numbered block goes under the walkway bridge by the school first, will be declared the winner. For early sales contact Heather at 250-231-0562
Event starts at the Columbia Gardens Bridge by the Village Office and ends at the walking bridge

Beaverian Gardens
Beaver Valley’s version of the beer garden is located in the covered area near the concession and Haines Park ball field and will run Friday through Sunday. Beer and coolers can be purchased and enjoyed, rain or shine. Family dining area available.

Burgers & Concession
The Burger and Hot Dog BBQ is operated by the Metis Society. They are famous for their great burgers, hot dogs and fast service. Smiles are FREE! Also, the prices can’t be beat.
The concession is located up on the main apron between the baseball fields.

Citizen of the Year
Who will it be this year? Be at the curling rink Friday night May 24th at 7:00 pm to help a very worthy person or couple celebrate their achievement. A reception will follow and everyone is welcome! The winner will get to ride in the parade on Saturday morning.

Classic Car & Truck Show
Come check out some spectacular automotive classics from yesteryear. This year we welcome The West Kootenay Smoke n Steel car club, who will be putting on this years car show
Fruitvale Pole Yard, from 9am-10:30am

Drone Show
An awesome new show, 180 Drones lit up, flying 260 feet off the ground will put on an amazing show, . Although it is visible throughout the greater Fruitvale area, the best viewing still happens at the park. We have a selection of food vendors to control the munchies. Remember to get your food early as vendors will be closing shortly before the Drone show begins. Start time is approximately 9:45/10pm ish, Friday evening.

Food Vendors
A huge assortment of Food Trucks and Treats will be located in Haines park and open Friday through Sunday. Be sure to place your orders well before the fireworks on Friday evening, as vendors will close shortly before the fireworks begin.

Kids Events
Kids Zone
Kids Zone! Join us this year for a mini carnival for kids, face painting, balloon animals, coloring, games, crafts and so much more. Watch for schedule updates soon to be posted.
Dig and Play
The sand pile is back...bring out the kids and enjoy some play time in our sand pile, dig and play with trucks and toys.
Check it out, Friday May 26th 3pm-7pm
Saturday May 27th 10am-8pm
Century 21 Parade & Lunch
The parade starts from the firehall and travels on Columbia Gardens Road to the Curling Rink Saturday at 11:00. The end of the parade signals the beginning of great times in the park! Following the parade, all participants are invited to a luncheon hosted by Fruitvale Christian Fellowship at the Curling Rink.
Lunch Provided by Liberty Foods

Music & Entertainment
Great talent and entertainment all weekend! The Selkirk Mountain Music Society is once again putting on an amazing show with approx. 20 artists throughout the weekend. Stay tuned for schedule updates and the artist line up.

Outdoor Market
This year there will not be a separate outdoor market, however some vendors may be set up throughout the park

Pancake Breakfast
Pancakes, sausages, juice, coffee or hot chocolate are all available from 8:00-11:00 Saturday and Sunday.

Seniors Tea
Held Friday May 24th 2023 from 1:00-3:00, the Friends of the Library hosts a tea with delicious baking for any seniors (and others) that want to attend.

Slo-Pitch tournament
A May Days tradition that runs from Friday night to Sunday night.
24 teams compete to see who is best!
To register your team, please contact Mike Walker at 250-512-9195.